Logo for Sleep Apnea & Snoring Solutions oral appliance therapy practice with text moon, stars, sleeping person

Regain Your Sleep (404) 321-2722


About Snoring

An estimated 45 percent of adults snore occasionally, while 25 percent snore regularly. While common, snoring is a health concern because it can disrupt your sleep and lead to many uncomfortable complications, including daytime sleepiness, concentration problems, and an increased likelihood of car accidents. Chronic loud snoring isn’t just annoying for you and your partner—it can also be dangerous and deserves medical attention.

The Benefits of Sleep

Better sleep equates directly to better health. If you’ve been experiencing symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea or you’re snoring, know that there is a solution. It’s more than just a “loud noise” or “skipping breaths” – it’s a lack of oxygen in your body. Your organs need oxygen and sleep to improve and maintain function. 

Come see us and explore solutions to get back to sleep…and back to normal, today.

Woman lying on her side smiling peacefully asleep
A couple lying side by side in bed with husband snoring and wife covering her ears with her hands

Top 7 Reasons People Snore

  1. Colds and Allergies – nasal congestion forces you to breathe through your mouth and creates more pressure behind your soft palate and uvula, which leads to “zzz’s” or vibration of the tissue.
  2. Not enough room for your tongue – you may not even notice that your mouth is too small for your tongue… until you relax into sleep, your tongue moves back, obstructs your airway, and causes snoring.
  3. Obesity –weight gain affects all your tissues, even things like neck tissues, and a thicker neck puts a strain on your throat.
  4. Enlarged adenoids or tonsils – Anything that blocks your airway can cause snoring.
  5. Aging – a loss of muscle tone is common in aging, causing the throat to narrow and leading to that zzz sound during sleep.
  6. Sleeping on your back – this sleeping position causes your neck and throat muscles to be at their most relaxed, which can collapse them against each other. The result? More zzz’s than usual.
  7. Sleep apnea – snoring is the primary symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep-related breathing disorder that prevents airflow during sleep – and it’s no joke! Sleep apnea occurs when the tongue and surrounding tissues collapse to the back of the throat, blocking the airway, severely reducing oxygen intake – and it can happen hundreds of times a night!

Health Risks of Chronic Snoring

If untreated, people who snore are at an increased risk of:

  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Heart Disease
  • Mood Disorders
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • GERD
  • Frequent Nighttime Urination
  • Loss of Libido

Other risks include:

  • Job Performance
  • Relationship Strain
  • Car accident
Woman asleep in bed snoring keeping up her husband who lies alongside looking unhappy about the noise and worried about her health

Driving sleep deprived is as dangerous as driving drunk – over 250,000 motorists fall asleep at the wheel, causing an annual average of 8,000 deaths and 60,000 debilitating injuries.

Restore Your Sleep and Vitality

We have helped thousands of people enjoy better sleep which has resulted in them rediscovering their lives, experiencing marital restoration, loosing weight, and loving life. Are you ready to get started?  We can help. Contact us today!

Active senior couple jogging together in track suits after a great sleep
A Promsomnus oral appliance that has been custom fit for a sleep apnea patient

Treat Snoring With an Oral Appliance

An oral appliance can eliminate your snoring so you and your partner can enjoy a silent night sleep, every night.

What Our Patients Have To Say About Oral Appliances